Friday, October 3, 2014

Twilight 9/16/14

Prompt - Draw 4 objects that represent your reading. Write a sentence for each, telling what each item says about what you've been reading.

 Pages Read - 0-416

     The book I'm currently reading is Twilight. I really love this series and I'm reading it over again. This book is about a 17 year old girl named Isabella Swan who has a normal boring life; until she moves to Forks,Washington to live with her dad Charlie (her parents are divorced). She doesn't expect anything to change in her life in the beginning of the book. But, it all changes for her when she meets Edward Cullen. She thought he and his siblings were so beautiful, she couldn’t stop staring. That’s because they were vampires; which she realized later. At first, she tries to ignore him, pretending that he is annoying, but really inside, she’s dying to get to know him. Even though Edward tells her it’s dangerous for her to be with him, she proceeds to try to talk to him at school and finds any excuse to be near him. But, overtime, their relationship strengthens and they run into a lot of danger along the way.

Picture 1: an apple

     The apple represents the forbidden fruit from the book of Genesis. It symbolizes Bella and Edward's love, which is forbidden, similar to the fruit of The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as is implied by the quote Genesis 2:17 that is quoted at the beginning of the book, It also represents Bella's knowledge of what good and evil are, and the choice that she has in partaking of the "forbidden fruit, Edward, or choosing not to see him. Stepenie Meyer (the author) also stated this herself

Picture 2: worn-out shoes

These shoes represent Bella's clumsiness. In the book, she always is falling down or getting hurt. That's why Edward always feels he has to be close to her. He always is protecting her. Also, all of the vampires always choose to target Bella. For example, one in the first book was named James. The Cullens had to take her out of the state to protect her!

Picture 3 - Wonka Chocolate Bar

The chocolate bar represents how much Edward can't resist Bella. Just like the Wonka bar was irresistible, he couldn't resist the smell of human blood. He was the most attracted to Bella because he said she had a special scent that he couldn't resist. He also found it unusual how Bella's mind was the only one he couldn't read. So, Bella was different, so he was attracted to her.

Picture 4 - a red truck

The red truck represents this book a lot. First of all, when Bela arrives to Forks, Charlie (her dad) gives her this truck as a gift. He bought it off of Jacob's (childhood friend) dad. Next, this was in the part when Bella almost got run over by a car but Edward pushed her away. Lastly, when Bella and Edward weren't as close to each other yet, they would always fight about who would drive whose car. It was mentioned at least three times.


  1. I think you made all these photos very informative and you did a great gob explaining what you think it means in relation to the story. I also think you did a great job on connecting different objects from different books/ films, like for example the Wonka Chocolate Bar.

  2. I commented on Bianey's blog, Yareli's blog, and Diana's blog.
