Thursday, October 29, 2015

First Quater Reflection 10/28/15

     Now that it is near the end of the first quarter of eighth grade, there some things that I learned, and that I have learned from. Starting with my 40 book challenge, so far I am on my third book of the Divergent series. I have t had a huge amount of time to read, because of the rest of my homework; but I'm planning on reading more books and new series.

     I also haven't done many blogs this school year, but I think that I'm starting to remember the formatting from last year as this year goes on. The blogs that I've done so far, I would say that they are neutrally ok, but I have been learning a lot more about things like making my paragraphs in the corrrect format and being longer.

     The strategies that have benefited me for this year is my organization and the order that I do my homework in. One of the organization strategies that I'm using is to have all of my colors, pencils, highlighters, etc. in one big pencil case, and on,y one pencil and pen in a smaller pencil bag that I take to every class. One way that this helps me is for example when we are taking vocabulary tests. Then, I can just find a pencil right away. The order that I'm doing my homework in setting a time limit for each assignment which really helps me finish me a little bit better.

     I've learned some things of the world from a lot of the things that we did in class, especially the article of the weeks' that we do. Those have a lot of information of what is going on in the world right now, in the past, or in the future. I learned some things from another activity that we did in class which was a short story by Edgar Allen Poe. I learned things about the work by annotating the story and looking up the words I didn't know. This made me learn about the real world and some of the things or places that were or are in the setting of the story.

     My research skills have gotten a little bit better after some time. I have so far learned how to get better with my organization skills and finding good evidence. One of the assignments that I need research for is for AOW's. This is still a place I need to improve a little on.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Allegiant 10/14/15

Prompt - List three questions you have about what you read

     One question that I have about this book is about the structure of it. My question is: Why are all of the chapters alternating between the two main characters; Tris and Four? I ask this because I find it confusing how sometimes I'm reading about one event that's happening, then suddenly it moves to another event in the book. I mean, it is a good idea instead of making two separate books with the both perspectives in addition to the rest of the trilogy. The only thing that I didn't like was that it confused me a little bit.

     A piece from the book that made me have a question about what I was reading, was that on page 286, when Tris figured out that Nita was standing among the invaders and was with them, and if she knew that Nita was a traitor, why did she go along with Tobias' (Four) plan if she knew that Nita couldn't be trusted to steal the death serum? I actually couldn't believe that Tris went through with Tobias' plan of she knew he was wrong. I didn't expect her to go through with it because she is usually stubborn and independent.

     The last question I would have about what I read would be that: Is Tris going to stay mad at Tobias for what he did? I'm not sure if she's going to forgive him or break up with him for believing and going along with Nita's plan. I'm unsure if they will even talk, because in the book, it said that they haven't spoken in a long time. Those are all of my questions that I would have from what I read.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Life Lines Poem

"A different perspective of the world"

Living in a desperate time, among a desperate people, among wars, among famine, among epidemics, he found that he often held the keys to life.
He would travel any distance.

This is a country where you can just be one penny short at the grocery store and they still won't forgive you.
If you don't have money, they won't give you the real treatment.
You see how this treacherous world works?

I saw that most people used a different calculator. Beauty was external, money mattered, and so did skin color.
It didn't matter who the person was or how much they had. The poorest, most recently arrived refugee received the same welcome as the richest American.

No matter how much the strangers resembled beetles, my father always maintained that they can be angels.
His generosity knew no bounds...

Or that he might still be a hero, tragic and flawed though he might be.