Thursday, April 30, 2015

Of Mice And Men 4/27/15

Prompt - From your brainstorming session, choose at least two conflicts to explore more in depth in this blog. Be sure to include textual evidence and support and also identify the effect that the conflict has had on the plot so far. 


Conflict #1 - Lennie gets into too much trouble: man vs self

Conflict #2 - Lennie and Curley: man vs man

     The first conflict that I think was that Lennie always gets into trouble. The problem is that hue doesn't know what he is capable of. There are so many times that he had gotten in trouble from not letting go of things. He likes to touch soft things (mice, rabbits, puppies, silk, etc.), so that's how he always is getting in trouble. One of the things that he did was touch a girl's dress and not let go of it. Then, he always killed mice because they were too small. Also, in the ranch, he had killed a puppy because it was very small. Lastly, one major thing that he did that was very bad was snapping Curley's wife's neck and killing her on accident; and it could start as simple as touching her hair, then he doesn't know what he is doing.

     One of the conflicts that I also thought had a big effect on the novela was Lennie and Curley's relationship with each other. Curley obviously doesn't like Lennie, and Lennie had done bad things to Curley. Curley was always rude to Lennie from the fist day that they met; and he also started a fight with him. On the other hand, Lennie crushed Curley's hand during their fight, and he killed his wife! Even though Lennie killed his wife on accident, it's still the same thing. Finally, that's why I think that these two events are big conflicts in this book and have effects on the plot.

I commented on JustinJared, and Rebecca's blog.


  1. Nice job, I agree with both of these conflicts. Though, remember that your blog has to be three paragraphs long and that you have to include textual evidence.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice job Giovanna, I really enjoyed your blog because it has a ton of information that the reader may have found valuable. However I do think that you should have added your chart from your google docs but besides that your blog was wonderful.
